Help us help them!
1. Tony OmwoboTony is 8 years old and is in first grade. Since he was very young, his father was disabled and his mother deceased. His father, unable to work, was not able to feed the child.
2. Collins ZacheusCollins is 13 years old and finishing 6th grade. His mother gave birth out of wedlock and, when her parents realized she'd given birth, they attempted to kill the infant. Grace, the Director of the orphanage, learned of the event and took him here, where he has remained.
3. Askar OmokeAskar is a 10 year old girl in second grade. Both of her parents died from AIDS.
4. Agnes DenisAgnes is an 11 year old girl in third grade. Her parents were both killed in a tragic automobile accident.
5. Ngisa NyambogaNgisa is a 9 year old boy in second grade. Both of his parents died from alcoholism when he was younger.
6. alfred bagitiAlfred is a 5 year old boy in Play Unit (Nursery School/Kindergarten). Both of his parents died of AIDs. He was born HIV positive and requires regular medical care.
7. timothy dennisTimothy is 5 years old and is in Play Unit (Nursery School/Kindergarten). Timothy's father was murdered by robbers and his mother suffered a mental collapse and disappeared.
10. john MosesJohn is 6 years old and in first grade. His parents abandoned him with his 87-year-old grandmother, who could not feed or care for them both.
13. elizaBETH
8. Harriet SamwelHarriet is a 9 year old girl in second grade. Her mother had to become a sex-worker to survive and have her daughter up to keep her safe.
11. Faith orinaFaith is 6 years old and in Play Unit (Nursery School/Kindergarten). Her parents divorced and her father disappeared from her life. Her mother, depressed from the divorce, committed suicide.
14. Patrine DavidPatrine is a 10 year old girl currently in 4th grade. Both of her parents were killed when a fire broke out in her home from faulty electricity.
9. jOSEPH MACHANIJoseph is 4 years old and in Play Unit (Nursery School/Kindergarten). His mother died of AIDs and his father was murdered by local robbers.
12. Christine PaulChristine is 5 years old and in Play Unit (Nursery School/Kindergarten). Both of her parents died in an unexplained way.
15. FranklineFrankline is 6 years old and in pre-unity school. Both of his parents were killed in a lightning storm. He suffers from chronic malaria.