Africa has a disturbingly large number of orphaned children. This is due, in part, to the AIDs crisis and to the lack of affordable health care for even the most treatable of diseases. Almost all churches who are trying to help the poor on the continent have a group of orphans they care for.
We, too, have a group of children we care for. In Kenya, Father Kennedy Andrew and his wife, Grace, run an orphanage which currently cares for fifteen children. These are children who were found abandoned in a number of locations or whose parents had died and whose families could not afford to take in. Some, as young as 4 years old, were found in the jungle, covered in bites and wounds, naked and starving. Linked below are the stories of these 15 children, no different from mine or yours, except the location of their birth. They live in a country that cannot afford social services for children and where orphaned children are vulnerable to abduction, inculcation into a militia, sexual slavery, starvation, enslavement as manual laborers, starvation, and death. It costs the orphanage $1 a day per child to provide these angels with 3 meals plus 1 snack daily. When we cannot gather the funds, the children go to school and to bed with nothing but water for the day. When this happens, they sob in their sleep from the pain of hunger, something they are never truly safe from. The AAOCC is doing everything we can to feed these children--just FEED them--every day, but the cost adds up to $450 a month--far more than we receive in donations. One dollar a day is such a small amount but it can do so much. This does not include clothing, shoes, soap and toothpaste, medical care, bedding, or any of the other expenses necessary to properly care for a child. We need to raise nearly $500 a day to prevent starvation. Therefore, we are developing a sponsorship program. If you can donate a set amount per month you can help these children. The church does not keep a penny. It goes directly into the children's stomachs. This is not like other sponsorship programs because there are no administration costs. If you can only send $1 a month, you can give a supper to an orphan. If you can send $30 a month, you will feed one child 3 meals a day! The donation button below allows you to set an amount per month to be deducted from your PayPal account. HOWEVER! First, please take a moment to read about the children at the link below. |